Special journal issue

Invited speaker to the Torino Conference are welcome to submit an article for a special issue of the new Elsevier journal Fundamental Plasma Physics (FPP), launched in 2022 and published by Elsevier. See the journal webpage https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/fundamental-plasma-physics .

Special journal issue for the publication of selected conference articles.

The special issue, dedicated to reviews, perspectives, and original results presented in Torino, will carry the name “Torino 2023 International Conference on Fundamental Plasma Physics”.

The benefits of publishing in the special issue are twofold:

1. First of all, all articles will be published Gold Open Access at no cost. Publication charges will be withdrawn for the special issue.

2. Secondly, the journal will guarantee a fast-reviewing process. Indeed, if you intend to submit an article in FPP and you let us know before the start of the Torino Conference, we can select a referee from the Conference itself. In this case, the referee may not wish to remain anonymous, so that she/he can interact directly with the author(s) of the article and act more like a “mentor” rather than as a referee, giving advice on how to make the article more attractive for the special issue.

The second referee will be chosen by the FPP Editorial Board and will be strictly anonymous. Please note that all articles will be refereed, and so there is no guarantee of acceptance. FPP is seeking to publish high quality articles that are likely to be cited, as it aims for an impact factor of at least 2 by the year 2025. Criteria for acceptance can be found on the journal webpage. Articles carrying original results, as well as relatively short review and perspective articles, that focus on aspects of a particular topics, highlighting outstanding issues and the direction for further research, are welcome.

Please note that also Conference participants that are not presenting an invited talk, such as PhD students and junior scientists, are also welcome to submit an article for the special issue. However, please be aware of the rather stringent criteria for acceptance in FPP (FPP acceptance rate at the moment is around 25%).

The deadline for formal submission, through a dedicated webpage (instructions will follow), is set for 31 December 2023. The second, anonymous referee will be assigned immediately after formal submission. We seek to complete the whole evaluation process by March 2024. Target month for the publication of the special issue is April 2024.

Please note that, if you will not be able to meet the deadline of 31 December 2023 for formal submission, you are still welcome to publish in FPP. If you submit between 1st January 2024 and 31st March 2024, your article, if accepted, may still be published Gold Open Access free of charge. It will then appear in a regular FPP issue, with the header “Article presented as an invited talk at the Torino International Conference on Fundamental Plasma Physics, held in Turin on 21-23 June 2023″.